Thanks for the detailed info. on the situation in Peru. I was there in the tense time when Castillo went down. Peru, and South America in general, is constantly divided by outside interests, especially the U.S. and China. I very well could be wrong but I'd like your thoughts.

Quick question: do you see any way South America will ever become more autarkic as a resource/economic trading bloc? It seems to me that will be the only avenue for achieving anything close to political independence.

Interested in hearing your thoughts.


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Yeah wow. I wanted to go then. Must have been crazy.

Can South America become more Independent in regards to resources? Well....yes...but


I mean the traditional theory is that countries need to produce more processed or manufactured goods. Like for example, Colombia exports a lot of petroleum, coal and coffee, but not any electronics, mechanical parts etc etc. But to do that they need investment in manufacturing infrastructure.

I think a less commonly discussed dynamic though is that companies in wealthy countries *benefit* from the current paradigm. They have no real interest in a developed LATAM. Further complicating the dynamic, labor here is trapped. It's really hard for someone to simply pick up and move to say, the US or Germany.

Shitty migration laws enable corporations in wealthy countries by allowing them to buy not just cheap raw materials, but also cheap labor from the global south

Free movement for people would go a long way towards creating a true free market for both

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Who does your art? It is fantastic and you get it done somehow in time for a news article.

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